Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Life is just like mathematics, but...

It consists of 3 elements:
1. Formulas
2. Problems
3. Outcomes (rights and wrongs)

Formulas have existed long way back
Formulas are already given to men
Formulas are always right
It depends on men to decide which formulas should be used to figure out their problems

Problems are always there, whether or not we look for it
Problems are just problems, there is no such thing as good or bad
Problems become worse if men think that way
Problems are lessons if men can look deep into

Outcomes are the result of formulas fit in to problems
Outcomes are always true, it's a fact
Yet, it is either right or wrong
Outcomes are situations when men are challenged to face it, deal with it
Outcomes are supposed to lead men to better human beings

We, as human beings, are not robots who can store all the formulas inside the mind
We, as human beings, keep searching, seeking, trying to find the right formulas for our problems
We, as human beings, keep learning from the mistaken formula we put in
We, as human beings, should share our formulas to others, remember share not stress
We, as human beings, sometimes forget and ignore
We, as human beings, are meant to do mistakes
However, human beings have brains to not fall down into the same hole

We, as human beings, are selfish
Selfishness is a fundamental variable in humans' traits
Everybody does have it ever since they were born

We, as human beings, must to be selfish
Selfish in which no harm for others
The one that differs a person from others is the level of selfishness
Some are in high degree, some have a very low egoistical
It is the result of what formulas they had,
what problems had taken place, and
how they personally took the lesson from the outcomes

Formulas + Problems = Outcomes

Problems can be solved by thousands of way, millions of idea, billions of thinking
Problems can be solved in a second, a minute, a day, a month, a year , years or even decades
Some people used a simple formula because they do not know the complex formula
Some people used a complex formula because they do not know the simple one
Some people used a simple formula to get a simple outcome
Some people used a complex formula because of their egos
Some people used a simple formula but got unexpected outcomes
Some people used a complex formula and got the outcomes as they wanted
Some people used a simple formula because they knew that simple formula cut their energy, time and money
Some people used a complex formula because they wanted to go through every difficulties and obstacles
This is the thing that does not happen in mathematics
In mathematics, the outcomes are definite
1 + 1 = 2
1 + 1 = 8 / 4 = 2
1 + 1 = (12 -2) / 5 = 2
1 + 1 = (100/4) - (46/2) = 2
1 + 1 = (2 + 2) / 2 = 2

However, life is not just numbers and knowledge
It involves brains, interactions, cultures, actions, provabilites, experiences, values, beliefs, customs, religions, lifestyles among human beings
One choice made sacrifices the others

Whichever turn we have made in a junction,
whether it is right or left,
We are going to face another junction in the next row
Life is full of choices
It relies upon us
Making a decision must be followed by preparation and readiness for the consequences

We, as human beings, sometimes fear failures and incapabilities
When you want to be successful, do not ever fear failure
When you want to be rich, do not fear to become poor
When you want to be helped, be generous to right people
When you want to be tall, look down
When you want respects, respect others
When you want A, go get A with efforts, no fear and no doubt

But if you wanna look deeper, yeaaaa...
It is basically as simple as 1 + 1 = 2

... if you make it so

1 comment:

darth rama said...

you should write a book...
nice...nice...*enam jempol*