Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I don't think I am ready to be in a relationship.
I just can't deal with the expectations and hopes
that both parties put in together.
So many small stuffs get twisted and do not know which side should be blamed on.
Missing him is one thing, could not hug him is another thing, expect him to be by my side is the third thing, receiving unanswered call is pissing me off, creates another thing that affects those things which have existed.
See... how complicated it is???

I do not know whether it's me who's being so complicated or it's him who always demands to be understood.
I do not know whether this is called love or infatuation.
I do not know whether my logic and feeling are in sync.
I do not know all the said words were truly from my heart, brain or ego.
I do not know whether I will not disappoint anyone.
I do not know whether I still have a heart to be broken.
I do not know whether I am good enough for him.
I do not know whether I deserve to be treated this way.

I am lost...

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