Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My throat beats, my heart screams...

Life was so easy, just goin through the motions.
I was cruisin along, not feelin any emotions.
No worries for anythin and nothin really to do.
Then out of the blue, there came u.
Unavailable to me u were, it really did matter.
For the love that u showed me, became absolute flatter.
Sometimes I notice things, like the twinkle in ur eyes, like the burnin of one star or like the spacious sky.
And then it makes me wonder, could it be a message from above, or could it b infatuation, or could it b love?
A secret so strong, on the edge so jagged.
How can I tell u that my heart has run ragged?
U continue to tell me that I know not what love is, but gimme sometime, for I feel it might b this.
So strong r my feelings, that I try to cover and hide, that I would actually consider puttin everythin else aside.
I feel it deep down, I feel so very alive.
When Im with u, I feel like we stop time.
Could it b infatuation or could it b love?
Sometimes I have these feelings, like an angel was sent just for me.
Someone to lighten up my life, that guardian u may b.
Into my heart, these feelings have dived.
And would I consider for us to have an affair?
This hypothetical situation is absolutely full of despair.
To give love a chance, and jump in feet first, ignore all the consequences that I know would make things worse.
And if it would ruin us, and the friendship we have, what would b the purpose of pursuing this endeavor?
Just to see if we can b together,
and see if our love is real?

To destroy what we already have would not make much sense, for I love our friendship, and the time we spend.
And so it is not worth it, just for one moment of bliss, for us to indulge in pleasure, not even for one little kiss.
But I know deep in my heart, lies a spot just for u.
You make me a better human being, so honest and so true.
I will b there for u through thick and thin.
I will give encouragement for that is what makes a friend.
And maybe someday, if things become right,
I will open my heart and give no more fight.

Because I definitely fall madly,
deeply in love with a man like u.

Sometimes I ponder what might and could have been, had I the chance to meet u way back when.
Only time will tell what will come of all this, but if stopped spending time, that is something I would miss.
I wrote this one special, for someone in my life new, all for this special person, and that person is u.
And whatever of this might come,
I dont think it's infatuation, I think it might just b love.