Thursday, October 9, 2008

Whining Jr.

We happened to know each other in college. It was 9 months back when I was hoping to find someone who could lead me to be back on track. I was really self-centered, egocentric and sarcastic in my 2nd stage whereas Whining Jr. was in 4th stage. We are different but we share similar values. At first, I was hoping Whining Jr. would give me some advices and inputs about study, life and experiences. As time goes by, I just realized Whining Jr. is a lonely, lost, clueless, unstable human being packaged in an academic situation who is full of hypothesis without any practice. He always whinges and complains about his life. He said he's never been happy throughout his life. I was so dead when I heard those words from his mouth. He always thinks negatively, sees things from different perspective, yet off-putting thought, again... He's pretty religious in a way, but somehow he shows that he's way far from it.. There are 3 things that I told him to keep those in mind:
1. You can't ask people to fit you, but you are the one who should fit into people.
2. All things we now have are not mine, it will be taken back when the time comes.
3. Situation is just a situation. The one who decides it's good or bad is yourself. Shit happens, either does miracle. Which term do you take?

note: I hate people who keep complaining bout their lives.. stop talking, do something! Believe it or not, complaining is transferring negative ions to people surround you. And I completely hate it!

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